Saturday, June 1, 2013

The last few days

I've been to a number of streams in the last few days and have found the water levels to be ok and the fish reasonably active.  We could still use more rain, but at least we haven't already reached mid-summer conditions.  Lately cream-colored dry flies have been producing, patterns like the parachute sulphur, Usual and Bomber.  Emergers have also been productive, such as Matt's sulphur emerger.  When these patterns have failed, the good old Picket Pin has provided some success.  The only negative has been the temperature and humidity.  I am really not a summer person and struggle with hot weather.


  1. You have been busy. I'm not a fan of the hot humid weather either. In the third stream you fished, did it give up a few of those dark tannin brookies?

    1. In the first two streams above yes (pics 1 to 7). The third stream is new to us and you speculated that there may be a bigger one present and the 8th photo may show what big for that stream looks like. You also know the last stream (last 2 pics) and the water is not very stained with tannins so the fish look like the last photo. Beautiful.

  2. pretty looking stream and nice brookie as well. I too hate hot weather.
