Thursday, January 28, 2016

First brown of the year

Alan and I went to one of our usual haunts yesterday, hoping that the warmish January weather had inspired the stream's fish to come out and play.  In spite of the nice weather, the residents were not out and about.  Just as Alan stated at Small Stream Reflections, only one fish responded to my overtures, the beautiful little brown that fell for the pinky.  Regardless of the outcome, it was a nice day to be roaming the woods.

As we moved downstream I noticed these prints left in the snow on a tree spanning the stream.  Any guess as to what may have left them?


  1. Coyote tracks... a bobcat or mountain lion leaves no claws and is more round. That is a very pretty brown, big spots!


  2. Good looking brown!! Warmer weather is coming.

  3. Remember those coyote tracks all along that deer trail.

  4. Remember those coyote tracks all along that deer trail.
